Eddie Bowman, better known as Chester Drawers by people around the world, has been writing songs for many years. Since locating near Branson, Missouri he has been a professional entertainer and comedian. Eddie is most famous for his children's books, especially his "Silly Song Series". All of his children's books are on the national readers program, Accelerated Reader. He has also written some humorous and inspirational books. Chester Drawers would love to come to your school or library event ! His basic booking fee is $250 which includes a promotional kit containing samples of his paperback books, two Silly Song CDs, bookmarks, two 8x10 color photos of Chester and other helpful materials. For more information please call Eddie at 1-417-860-0955 or email him at eddiedbowman@gmail.com
Eddie is a native Missourian, having grown up on a small farm near Purdy. He is an author, songwriter, entertainer and inspirational speaker. He played the part of comedian "Chester Drawers" in Branson for eight years and is now visiting schools and libraries entertaining students while imparting valuable information for learning and encouragement. He visits hundreds of schools a year in some fifteen states.
Eddie is a down-to-earth person who has the ability to take the most ordinary things and create a story that will be both interesting and helpful. His many Accelerated Reader Program children's books are suited for elementary students. In story and song Eddie brings his audiences heart-warming experiences and homespun stories and humor that will challenge listeners to apply themselves to learning and opportunity. He sees the potential of children and how they must believe in themselves and prepare daily through personal effort and discipline to become what they want to be.
Having four children and with grandchildren and great-grandchildren of his own Eddie treasures youth and is dedicated to helping direct them to a happy, successful future. He is available for your next school or library program.